Sunday, December 13, 2009

The remarkable Canon 7D

BW suggested that we shoot this film on the new Canon 7D camera and at first I was skeptical about going to war with an experimental weapon. The idea of shooting a feature film on a 35mm style still camera seemed unthinkable and yet BW suggested I do some research and see what I thought. I spent many hours cruising the web, reading about the gear and seeing the tests. It was friggin' remarkable. What a tool. He rented a rig for me to try and Grant and I hit the streets looking for the 'sweet spot' - the lens and light combo that would serve us for the film. I'm a big believer in testing and retesting new gear and I wanted to push the camera to the limits as I worked outside. Here's a frame grab from the tests we shot. No lighting. No nothing. Just the right combination of f-stop and lens. I'm a convert.

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